
Ltd. “MR” Booking Terms and Conditions

The booking of cars can be done on the Ltd. “MR” Internet website www.mrcar.lv, by filling out the booking application and receiving booking confirmation, or alternatively by calling at +371 27654444 or sending a request to the e-mail address noma@mrcar.lv and reaching an agreement on the booking terms and conditions.

Car rental agreement

When booking the car, the client confirms that he has familiarised himself with the General Terms and Conditions of the Car Rental Agreement, and agrees to be bound by them in case the client and the car rental office enter into Car Rental Agreement.

Car Rental Agreement consists of General Terms and Conditions, which are identical for all rental agreements, and Special Terms, which identify the specific car, the services selected by the renter, as well as comprise other essential terms agreed upon by the contracting parties.

Booking of a car is not an automatic guarantee that a Car Rental Agreement will be executed. Car Rental agreement is deemed executed at the moment when the contracting parties have reached the final agreement on the rental car, rental fees and additional services, as well as other essential terms of the agreement, and have countersigned the Car Rental Agreement.

Rental period and place of delivery

When booking the car, the rental period (start and end date and hours) should be specified, together with the place of acceptance and place of return. Minimum rental period is 24 hours. The client may select from the car delivery places offered by the car rental; the car may be delivered to other locations upon separate agreement with the car rental.

If the client is more than 2 (two) hours late with accepting the car, the car rental may unilaterally cancel the booking. After the missed booking has been cancelled, the client may be offered another rental car based on the availability in the car rental. When a booking is cancelled, there is no guarantee that another car will be provided.

The car can be accepted and returned free of charge to the car rental office at Ventspils street 50 k-1, Riga, Republic of Latvia, on business days during the car rental office business hours. The delivery and return of the car at a location specified by the client and/ or outside business hours will be charged according to the Price List available on the car rental Internet website www.mrcar.lv, which can be found in terms of rental.


The rental is calculated for the entire rental period on the basis of the number of days (also for a non-full day, if it is more than 2 hours). The Car rental includes the driver’s third party motor liability (OCTA) and the Car’s insurance against theft (TP) and damage (CDW), under a provision that the client bears the deductible (liability) in case of insured event. The client’s deductible (liability) in case of insured event is lowered when the client has upgraded the insurance to reduce the deductible. The rentals do not include any variable costs related to running and upkeeping the car, i.e., fuel and technical fluids costs.

The amount the client has pre-paid at booking is attributed to the rental. The remaining rental amount should be paid by the client simultaneously with signing the Car Rental Agreement.


When booking the car, the client will advance a pre-payment to the tune of at least 10% (ten per cent) of the anticipated rental. If the booking is cancelled and/ or the Car Rental Agreement is not signed due to the client’s fault, the payment to the tune of 10% (ten per cent) of the anticipated rental will be deemed a payment for the car booking service, while the remaining amount will be returned to the client’s current account from which the payment was transferred.

Security deposit

The purpose of the security deposit is to guarantee that the client honours its contractual obligations to the car rental. When booking a car, the client has to specify the manner of guaranteeing the security deposit: either by paying the security to the car rental’s current account, or, alternatively, by accepting the reservation of the respective amount in the underlying bank account of a valid client’s credit card (or several credit cards). Car rental accepts international credit cards VISA and Mastercard. Car rental may refuse to accept credit cards supported by other settlement systems. For some individual categories of cars the car rental may request to indicate at least two valid credit cards for guaranteeing the safety deposit.

If the client fails to comply with requirements in respect of guaranteeing the safety deposit, the car rental may refuse to sign the Car Rental Agreement without any sanctions.

The amount reserved by the credit card is released, or the paid in security deposit is reimbursed no later than within 14 (fourteen) days after the rental period expiry date.

Additional car drivers

Additional car drivers may be specified in the Car Rental Agreement who are authorised to drive the rental car. All additional drivers should meet the same requirements as set forth for the principal driver. The rules for using the car that are specified in the Car Rental Agreement are binding on the additional driver.


The car should be fuelled with the type of fuel according to its technical documentation (petrol, diesel).

Upon the delivery of the car the fuel level in the tank is recorded, and the car should be returned fuelled up to the same level. Otherwise an extra charge will be incurred for the deficit fuel according to the Price List available on the car rental Internet website www.mrcar.lv, under car rental agreement.


Standard mileage limits for cars can be found on the car rental Internet website www.mrcar.lv under each car. Specific mileage limits are specified in the Car Rental Agreement. If the mileage limits are exceeded, extra costs for excess mileage are set forth in the Price List available on the car rental Internet website www.mrcar.lv. The client may pay a higher rental and opt for unlimited mileage.


The client’s liability is set according to the signed Car Rental Agreement.

The client may be applied penal charges for returning the car past due, for returning the car with a dirty interior or body, for smoking in the car, for speeding, for mislaying the keys and on other occasions, according to the Car Rental Agreement and the Price List available on the Internet website www.mrcar.lv.

The client should reimburse the actual penalty amount for administrative offences and violations of road traffic regulations that have been detected during the car rental period, as well as the fee charged by the car rental office for administration of such violations.


Ltd. “MR” Booking Terms and Conditions, as well as Car Rental Agreements are executed and performed according to the Latvian law. Any disputes shall be handled in the procedure stipulated by the Latvian law.

All rights reserved @ 2025 MR SIA